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Tasbuilt Commercial – proud to partner with Ridley Agriproducts Pty Ltd.
Ridley AgriProducts Pty Ltd are Australia’s leading provider of high performance animal nutrition solutions. Ridley has been an integral part of Australian agriculture for almost 30 years, building strong partnerships with suppliers, customers and local communities.
In April 2019, Ridley opened a new state-of-the art extrusion facility in Westbury to better service the Salmonid industry based in this state, and Tasbuilt Commercial were builders of choice for the administration complex.
Tasbuilt Commercial delivered within a very tight specified timeframe, and to the highest standards of construction. The complex consisted of several offices, including an open plan office area, lunchroom facility, a laboratory, a communications centre and safety hub.
Tasbuilt Commercial are committed to ensuring the highest standards of professional excellence for cutting edge companies like Ridley in Tasmania – a great contributor for our economy, and we wish them every success !
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