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We Take 5 with Michaela, our Store Manager

Always a joyful person to have around, meet our friendly Store Manager, Michaela!

Describe yourself in 10 words or less

Someone who’s life is going faster than they’d like!

What is the best and worst thing about working in the home construction industry?

The worst thing is that builders are untidy.

The best thing is that by working in this industry, I’ve learnt a lot about construction and home building.

How would you describe the culture at Tasbuilt?

It is a culture of getting the job done well!

What is one good value or skill that you bring to the Store Manager role?

I always want to have fun on the job, and I’m also very organised, motivated, and want to get the job done.

Where do you see Tasbuilt in five years?

In five years, I see them needing to expand the yard/factory. Tasbuilt is going to outgrow itself if it gets much bigger, so we’ll need more room.

If you have multiple projects and limited time, how do you go about managing your priorities?

I always remain cool, calm and collected. I always remember you need to think things through and work out the way you’re going to do it. Do it calmly, and with reason, and evaluate the order of the priorities.

Tell us about one of your most enjoyable moments at Tasbuilt

Well, one of the most enjoyable things I’ve done is undertaking the Cert 4 in WHS – I’ve learnt a lot from this and it’s been very enjoyable.

And just for fun…

If you had a choice between two superpowers: being able to fly and being invisible, which one would you choose?

Definitely flying - as a kid I had lots of dreams about flying, and I would love to be able to do it unaided.

If you just won the $10 million lottery, what would you do with the money?

I would pay off my debts, pay off my best friend’s debts, buy a boat, buy a caravan and go and have some fun.


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